Help Us Transform The Lives Of Many People

We aim to create solutions that benefit everyone. Our goal is to build a fair and inclusive future for all Ghanaians.

About Us

Ghana Make a Change is rooted in a story of connection and shared values between two families from Ghana and Idaho. Paul Asemah-blay Ekpale grew up in Ghana, where his family often struggled to make ends meet. In 2004, a pivotal moment occurred when Paul helped set the cornerstone of the Accra Ghana Temple. Later as a young man, Paul chose to serve a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He was called to serve in Las Vegas, Nevada. Meanwhile, Keyan Bird from Idaho, inspired by his family's values of hard work and service, embarked on a mission to Las Vegas, Nevada. This is where Keyan and Paul met serving together as missionaries. After their missions, Keyan's father, Lewis Bird, was inspired to visit Paul in Africa, leading to the creation of Ghana Make a Change.

Today, Ghana Make a Change focuses on creating sustainable, impactful changes in Ghanaian communities. We provide educational resources, medical care, nutritious food, and secure shelter. We ensure access to clean, potable drinking water and support the development of small businesses to create employment opportunities and boost the local economy. Join us in our mission to empower and uplift communities in Ghana through these vital services. Together, we can make a lasting difference.

Our Mission

At Ghana Make a Change, our mission is simple yet profound, to foster positive change and sustainable development in communities across Ghana. Through our commitment to digging wells for clean drinking water, supporting local schools, clinics, and small businesses, we are dedicated to making a tangible difference in people's lives.


Make A Change

Team Member 2

Lewis Bird

CEO & Founder


Team Member 2

Ginger Bird



Team Member 3

Keyan Bird



Team Member 4

Paul Blay Ekpale

Country Director & Co-Founder


Team Member 4

Charles Mawunya

Publicity Manager


Team Member 4

Mel Bingham

Director of Medical Missions


Team Member 4

Keyden Bird



Team Member 4

Francis Ahiable



Team Member 4

Syvannah Bird



Team Member 4

Jazmynn Bird



Team Member 4

Wesley Hayes
